(6th-8th grade)
This course is designed to provide both male and female students with positive musical and educational experiences through choral singing. This course will introduce and develop basic musical skills through various styles of choral literature stressing: proper breathing, pleasant vocal production, blend and balance, expansion of range, good intonation, stage presence and choral performance.
There will be a performance for the public at the end of each semester.
Click on class name for more information.
(9th-12th grade)
This course is designed to provide both male and female students with positive musical and educational experiences through choral singing. This course will introduce and develop basic musical skills through various styles of choral literature stressing: proper breathing, pleasant vocal production, blend and balance, expansion of range, good intonation, stage presence and choral performance.
There will be a performance for the public at the end of each semester.
Click on class name for more information.