PreK-1st grade
This class will create opportunities for students to succeed in order to build their confidence and develop a lifelong love of math! Children in Mathplay will be building a solid foundation of math understanding by exploring concepts such as number sense, place value, geometry, data collection/representation, patterns, time, measurement, money, introduction to fractions, and basic operations. We will be using a variety of materials from playdough, popsicle sticks, Legos and pom poms to number lines, tens frames, rekenreks, clocks, geoboards, tangrams and more!
Click on class name for more information.
2nd-5th grades
This class will create opportunities for students to succeed in order to build their confidence and develop a lifelong love of math! Children in Brilliant Brains will be building upon their existing foundation of math understanding by exploring concepts such as place value, fractions, decimals, percents, multiplication, division, 2-D and 3-D geometry, coordinate geometry, measurement, time, perimeter and area, data collection and graphing. We will be using a variety of materials from playdough, toothpicks, Legos and cubes to number lines, hundred charts, coins, clocks, 3-D shape nets and tangrams!
Click on class name for more information.
This class is a continuation of fall semester. We will be using the Bob Jones curriculum with the suggested practice problems and tests. Each week, we will go over a pre-algebra concept, do practice problems, and spend time answering any questions. If a parent/student is using a different curriculum, the class would still be highly beneficial regardless of curriculum.
Click on class name for more information.
Any age with Pre-Algebra level understanding​
This class is a continuation of fall semester. We will be using the Bob Jones curriculum with the suggested practice problems and tests. Each week, we will go over an Algebra concept, do practice problems, and spend time answering any questions. If a parent/student is using a different curriculum, the class would still be highly beneficial regardless of curriculum.
Click on class name for more information.